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Cinematography - Visual Art _____________________________OneDefinedSpace

Cinematography Demo Reel (2014 - 2018)

That tiny moment yourself is given the chance to decide a color, a frame or a fragrance. Certainty meets intuition, and vise versa. As...

In Another Country (2024) - A film by Ralf Moussa

Based on a book by Mare Kandre entitled In Another Country (1984). The ambient duet made out of Henrik Meierkord and KNIVTID collaborated...

PAX (2024)

In collaboration with The Louvre Abu Dhabi. Whom offered me the intellectual rights to a painting scan by Jacob De Backer done with my...

Mosaic Of Time - A journey into the works of Tarkovsky(2024)

A solo Film Installation by Ralf Moussa (Ralph). Taking part of my residency in cinematography and motion based arts. Zicohouse - 2024...

RESIDENCY AT ZICO HOUSE: Ralph Moussa 2024.  - Zico House

Step into a world of cinematic wonder with Ralph Moussa's captivating installation, 'MOSAIC OF TIME,' inspired by the works of...

Fire Walk With Me - Henrik Meierkord & Marco Lucchi

A audiovisual tribute from Lucchi/Meierkord & Ralf Moussa to the great director artist and musician David Lynch, you walk with us. These...

Faberge - RameLeather

Dive straight into the craftiness of Rame, a leather maker from Lebanon. On a pursuit delivering a sense of elegance to meet the actuality...

Duologue - Henrik Meierkord (2024)

In this visual interpretation of the track Duologue from Proscenium, a chunk of time is reserved to reflect on the true nature of a screen...

Henrik Meierkord , Pelle Andersson, Pelle Ossler- Metamorfos II (2024)

”When Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from his troubled dreams, he found himself lying in bed transformed into a giant insect.” (Kafka) In...

Skimrande Fält (2024)

From the album Metamorfos by Henrik Meierkord, Pelle Andersson, Pelle Ossler. Visual interpretation by Ralf Moussa.

Henrik Meierkord - Cello Ambient Improvisation II (2023)

Henrik Meierkord - Cello Ambient Improvisation II from the Projekt Records album: Zeitreisen Download link...

Disce Unum - Num 1 (2017)

Disce Unum, A first trigger in a series of scattered emotional counterpoints. Refracting through prisms of time and space, events and...

Disce Duo- Num 2 (2017)

Arabic - No subtitles Warning : The characters who appear in this work are totally real, any resemblance to any real characters is totally...

The Boy Who Wore The Sun - Eli Salameh

David, a 21-year-old guy who wears a scoliosis plastic corset, hides a shameful circular scar on his stomach. One night, before one month...

Servants - Directed by Georges Hazim (2018)

While cleaning the chalet, two servants elaborate sadomasochistic rituals while their mistress is away, until things got carried away….

Purgatory by Jihan Keyrouz (2018)

A personal favorite between commissioned works. Where stillness lingers, depicting the cycle of waiting. Cinematography by Ralf Moussa

Floor -89 by Ali Zreik (2018)

Cinematography by Ralf Moussa

La Bataille du Cèdre (2018)

De Laurent Sorcelle Réalisation Laurent Sorcelle et Cécile Favier Produit par KAMI PRODUCTIONS et USHUAÏA TV

Ongoing Search (2018)

Pushing stillness to drift into motion. Against the oppression of the place. Against notions of time loss is time gain. 1 frame = 1...